Ireland's fastest growing tourist attraction.
The world class Great western greenway (Westport to Achill) is a 43 Kilometre traffic free cycling and walking route which follows the line of the Great Western Midlands Railway which closed in 1937. This route offers gentle gradients and beautiful views of Clew Bay, its islands and the surrounding mountains. The route forms part of the national cycle network.
Interesting points along the way Include the Railway viaduct in Newport town, Burrishoole Abbey (easy to access from the greenway 2 Km outside Newport), and Mullranny beach.
Facilities, cafes and restaurants along the route are located in Achill sound, Mullranny, Tiernaur (between Mulranny and Newport), Newport and Westport. There is approximately 3 to 4 hours cycling involved in the full route depending on how often you stop along the way. The route is marked with the National cycle route network signs at any junctions along the way. There is a short break in the route at each side of Newport town so you will cycle straight through the Town and re-join the route.